How to place an order:
Phone orders: Please supply the pattern number and description, your name and mailing address, phone number and email address and how you wish to pay for your order.
If leaving a message on the answering service, please supply your name and phone number and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Paypal orders: Please email
your order information if paying by paypal
help AT bfdesigns DOT on DOT ca
(Sorry for the cryptic email address,
I'm trying to reduce the volume of spam sent to this address. Please replace the capital words with the
correct symbol and remove the extra spaces when emailing this address)
Order Forms: Please use the appropriate pdf file from the links below. Fill in the order form and mail it to the address on the form. If emailing the form, fill it in, scan and attach it to your email and send to the email address shown above.
Mail Order or Credit Card
Please note: The prices listed in
the catalog are in US Dollars
residents purchase at par to the US dollar. US
and Foreign Credit card purchases will be billed in Canadian dollars
and may have an exchange rate applied. For
more information please contact Brenda.
If you have any questions regarding orders, please contact the above email address
or phone: 519-638-9958